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Plastic Industrial Caps

This Plastic Industrial Caps range has numerous different highlights that actually contributes to its convenience impact. These caps comprise the capability to handle their temperatures as well as being able to mechanically shut off. While the conventional parts can heat water to elevated temperature than our Plastic Industrial Caps range, it has the ability to resist heat, water, chemicals, and other aspects in a faster manner. This is why it utilizes an electrically controlled element that functions quite speedily under every condition. Moreover, it works faster and deploys less power. Our caps are delivered to the customers at affordable prices.
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Protective Cap

Price: 1.00 - 200.00 INR/Piece

Protective Cap is highly adorned for its high functioning, sturdy design and durability. This cap is suitable for automotive applications. Other than that, provided cap is mainly useful to protect the products during shipping and processing. Protective Cap is designed to meet the overseas quality standards and norms.